Time For Change - Deluxe Edition

Time For Change - Deluxe Edition

+ 2012 Time For Change
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+ 140m of extra Interviews
Change Luminaries:
David Lynch - Barbara Marx Hubbard
Paul Stamets -Penny Livingston-Stark
Nassim Haramein - Bernard Lietaer
Andre Soares & Lucy Legan
Kathi Von Koerber - Gilberto Gil
John Perry Barlow - Tiokasin Ghosthorse
João Amorim

+ 140m of extra Interviews
Psychedelic Luminaries:
Daniel Pinchbeck - Stan Grof
Sasha Shuglin - Jeremy Narby
Ralph Metzner - Sting (on ayahuasca)
Amanda Feilding - Kathi Von Koeber
Joe Rogan - World as Bad Pizza with Terence McKenna

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Time For Change - Deluxe Edition